Оrganization оа Sevastopol
Address: Demidov Street, 13, Sevastopol, Russia.
Tel./Fax: 8 (692) 555-265.

Functions of customer

Building "Counsel" customer all over the "Project of the Customer"

Serving as the customer will provide technical support for the project and pre-project documentation, project support in reviewing authorities, registration of land relations, supervision of project documentation for the construction, selection of sites for the construction of various facilities and compensatory planting. In the area of ​​our professional everything related to the implementation of plans of the investor and linking them with the regulatory requirements.

Functions of customer

project management;

organization of engineering-geological, topographical and karstologicheskih surveys;

collection of specifications for engineering connection;

obtain conclusions on the choice of the land;

urban design plan;

passing examinations;

obtaining a permit for construction;

executive design documentation;

receiving information on the implementation of technical specifications;

the finding of an object according to the project, construction standards and technical regulations;

obtaining a permit for commissioning;

The specialists of our department for communication between investors, designers, contractors and approving bodies. They coordinate the supply of designers, design solutions align with the requirements of the coordinating organizations, supervise the execution contractors design decisions. This approach significantly increases the effectiveness of control. Instead of a rigid functional structure, when the division is made by departments, depending on the specialization of the employee (architect, engineer, technologist, environmentalist, designer, engineer and acoustic), there is a more flexible and efficient, wherein said experts are involved in the same project under the overall supervision of the project administrator (manager).

1. At the pre-steps provide:

study of the site;

consultations with investors and professionals of urban services;

exploring the possibility of obtaining the basic permits;

preparation of contracts with the general contractor and subcontractors of similar data including:

- The main regulatory instrument for the right design and construction;

- Finally, urban planning;

- Sketch number 1;

- Sketch number 2 (plot plan with the expectation of engineering loads);

- Geological preparatory basis;

- Construction certificate;

- Technical conditions for connection to the city networks;

- Raw data on the ecology, geology, maintenance of existing buildings, the design task;

preparation of all necessary documents for the initial design and isoglasovanie set of initial permits, with all possible actions to minimize customer costs;

preparation and tendering of the project companies to determine the general designer and Subcontractor;

preparation of contracts with developers;

preparation of tender documentation for tenders for opredeleniyageneralnogo contractor for the construction work, as well as sub-contractors;

2. Stage of design DOCUMENTS PROVIDED:

preparation and approval of the terms of reference for the development of project documentation;

acceptance of project documentation;

matching sections of the project with city services;

matching set of documentation in the bodies of architecture, expertise and, if necessary, the Federal examination;

building permits in the Inspectorate of State Architectural and Construction Supervision (IGASN);

Organization agreement, approval and re-approval of construction documents, as well as amending the relevant documentation patches on the observations and conclusions of the examination;

3. During the construction

provided technical supervision of construction work, including:

- Quality control of the works;

- Acceptance of the volumes of the works;

- Check acceptance certificates (p2, p3);

- Acceptance of the hidden works;

- Acceptance of the mounting elements of critical structures;

- Acceptance of the installed equipment;

- Control test equipment;

- The acceptance of as-built documentation;

- Participation in the working committee for acceptance of the completed project;

- Organization of and participation in the activities of the state acceptance commission;

organization of tenders for suppliers of equipment, building materials and structures to ensure the best measures of cost and quality of the project;

preparation of contracts with suppliers;

development of alternative proposals for individual subcontractors and their failure to meet contractual obligations or when changing technological and technical solutions;


Commissioning of a facility provided by the state commission. We guarantee the quality of our work, and enjoy good partnerships with all of our clients and are happy to provide you with any further information if you are interested.